Le Célébrité: Online Ordering
- 23 December 2020 |
- Online ordering

The flagship of the Saint-Hubert region, the Célébrité restaurant is partnering up with iShopFood to offer an online ordering service to local customers!
Le Célébrité
With decades of experience, Pierre Ménard embarked on the formidable adventure of opening the Célébrité restaurant, on the very site where one of the South Shore’s restaurants par excellence, La Pomitora, was located. It is therefore with fond memories of childhood that Mr. Ménard decided to restore this well-known establishment to make it a must-see for the local population.
We only serve home cooking. Breakfasts, lunch specials as well as the evening table d’hôte, not to mention the famous desserts, everything is homemade. The unique taste of breakfast potatoes, the famous sugar pie, meatloaf and Friday salmon pie are just a few items from an extensive menu. At Célébrité, you are at home. So don’t be surprised to see Chef Pierrôt come out of his kitchen to greet customers!
Association with iShopFood
The Célébrité can benefit from many exclusive advantages with ordering iShopFood online! Main ones are the increase in the number of orders per day as well as the optimization of general order taking. The service also helps increase average customer bills. Thus, the increase in income is encouraged and losses are minimized. Finally, the platform is administered via a simple to use and comprehensive management interface. Celebrity is causing a stir with the iShopFood online ordering!
La commande en ligne est un service accessible à tous les restaurateurs désireux d’optimiser leur service et d’augmenter leurs ventes. Bénéficiez vous aussi d’une interface intuitive et solide qui favorise votre autonomie et indépendance! Apprenez-en plus sur nos services en visitant l’une de nos pages d’informations. De plus, vous pouvez nous contacter en remplissant ce formulaire et obtenir une solution sur mesure pour vos besoins. Et n’oubliez pas de nous suivre sur Facebook!